Got a pair of out grown boots too good to be thrown away? Looking to save some money whist also supporting Junior Bays Rugby? Donate your old boots for a good cause.
Kids grow out of their boots so fast we usually buy a couple of pairs a year and then struggle to get rid of the old boots. How many of us have a pile of boots at home now?
By donating your old boots (Please ensure boots are in a usable condition) to the Boot Exchange we will create depository of boots for kids to swap into throughout the year. Boots are especially needed for the J8-J5 grades however we are also looking for boots for family’s in need so any sizes help. If you don’t have a pair to exchange its not a problem. Just remember to help us out later. Junior Rugby doesn’t have to be expensive.
The boot exchange will be available at Junior Rugby events throughout the year. Boot donations can be made directly to the club. To get a pair of boots please come to the events.
East Coast Bays Rugby Football share clubroom facilities with the East Coast Bays Cricket Club in Mairangi Bay.
496 East Coast Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630
Junior Registration for the 2025 season will open in Feb 2025. All Junior Rugby enquiries please email